What are you on about?

So my humorous tag line, and the quip in my bio might suggest I know a thing or two about quantum mechanics.

I do indeed know a thing or two, several things in fact, but I have the worst kind of knowledge. Pop sci pseudo understanding of it all. I can muon and gluon this, and charm quark that. I have no real idea what it all means though. I see those equations on Wikipedia and I think of just how much effort it’s going to be to get my maths up to speed and then instead open a new tab and see if slashdot has updated.

It’s not all bad. One of the benefits is that I don’t have to comply with the dogma of what is accepted to be true (science true, that is). I can think about the broad concepts, and then hypothesise about some unrelated phenomena and how the two are connected without the worry of having to reconcile it with special relativity. That (for me) is fun.

It also means I can make statements like “perturbing the quantum foam” and not care if such a thing is possible. The statement implies that on some level that I, manifest in my existence, can influence my surroundings. I’m not sure that’s the case though?

I think we can observe our surroundings. Observation being conscious awareness. Awareness being a property of matter to a greater or lesser extent. Science can’t really explain awareness so I’m on safe ground. I’ll have a go.

Awareness could be likened to gravity. Gravity is a force with a magnitude at any point in 3 dimensional space that is the result of interactions of the gravitational forces exerted by agglomerations of matter. Such that gravity is concentrated at centres of mass. I think awareness may be a similarly distributed force, concentrated instead on centres of life.

It feels to me as if my awareness is the shape of a gravity well. Intensely concentrated and strong at its core (physically entered in the head/heart region!) but that it is not merely confined to a point but that, as a gravity well, it falls away perhaps proportional to distance squared! The exact equation, as you may have gathered, is not so important to me as the concept.

Why is this relevant. Well because my understanding of one of the key concepts, and do correct me in the comments, is that of probability. The fact that until some phenomena is observed, it is neither one thing or another. It is simply has the potential to be anything, each with an associated probability. This is the crux. If that is how elementary particles work, and everything is made of them, why by fractal magic, it must scale up! Until you open the box, quite literally the cat is not alive or dead (to you- the cat will know… well, unless its dead…)

At a given instant conscious matter applies observational force of awareness to matter in a superposition of outcomes. It’s nature is revealed, and the quantum second hand moves on. Ad nauseum.

The future is not pre-ordained, it is probably-ordained. It feels to me that it is possible to generate a force that can affect an outcome. I think it is this we feel as free will. However I think the classical science of action reaction is just as valid. The universe pushes back. The needle swings the other way and we feel this force as the force of destiny. The universe balancing the probabilistic outcomes.

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